Absolon, William, Jun.
Shop and Residence. Noted Ceramic and Glass Decorator and Engraver.

Adams, William
Residence of. 199 Bells Road, Gorleston. Lifesaver

Aikin, Dr. John
Near here at the end of Row 94 lived John Aikin MD, 1747-1822, physician, unitarian and author.

Aikin, Lucy
Near here at the end of Row 94 lived Lucy Aikin, 1781-1864, author, historical writer, biographer and unitarian

Alderson, Baron, Edward Hall
Noted lawyer, judge and Baron of the Exchequer

Angel Hotel, Market Place, site of
One of the oldest inns in the town and later site of the town's British Restaurant 1942-46

Aquarium (Royal)
Marine Parade.

Armoury, site of
During the Napoleonic Wars, naval ships were repaired and equipped at the Armoury, located here.

Augustinian Priory Cell 1310-1536
Site of. Now the Friend’s (Quaker) Meeting House, Howard Street. Quaker House 1694 to present time. Erected 2007

Barber, Charles Burton
The Birthplace of Charles Burton Barber RA, Victorian Artist, 16 Hall Quay, Great Yarmouth

Beach Railway Station
Nelson Road North. Erected on the 50th anniversary of the closure of the station 2011.

Beech, George
Printer, wood carver and craftsman. Author of 'A History of Hemsby'

Benedictine Priory
Benedictine Priory founded 1101 by Herbert de Losinga, first bishop of Norwich. and closed in 1536.

Bevan, Rev'd James Alfred
The first rugby union captain for Wales, a man who has an international trophy named after him.

Bijou Hall
Where the first moving pictures were shown in Yarmouth.

Birt Acres
Shot what is believed to be the first moving pictures in East Anglia

Black Friars’ Monastery, site of
Site of the Dominican monastery - founded in 1273, destroyed by fire 1525.

Bloomfield, James
Marine Engineer and Founder of the Ocean Fleet of Herring Drifters

In 1827, Thomas Vaughan snatched at least ten bodies from St. Nicholas’ churchyard, and sold them for London surgeons to dissect

Borrow, George (24-25 Trafalgar Road)
Borrow resided in this house for a period of time.